Category: Technical SEO

  • An introduction to technical SEO

    In this article, you will find information about the basic concepts of technical SEO, along with links to high-quality resources to further your training. What is technical SEO? Definition Technical SEO involves optimizing or correcting technical aspects of your website so that bots can explore (crawling), visualize (rendering) and index (indexing) and understand your web…

  • Interactive Design and JavaScript: Challenges for SEO

    This detailed blog post aims to explore the impact of JavaScript on search engine optimisation (SEO). It is intended for web development and design teams. As an SEO specialist and consultant, I often notice that web development and design teams are surprised by the challenges JavaScript poses for SEO, particularly in terms of crawling and…

  • #SEOnerdSwitzerland with Martin Splitt and Monito: video & slides

    #SEOnerdSwitzerland with Martin Splitt and Monito: video & slides

    As promised, here you will find the link to the recording, the slides & my key takeaways regarding the September 2020 online SEOnerdSwitzerland meetup with Martin Splitt and Monito. A huge thank you to Martin, Paul and Olivier. Preparing a presentation and being present to the meetup take a lot of time. Our association #SEOnerdSwitzerland…