SEO Project: Website relaunch for Solarwall, by Isaline Muelhauser, SEO Consultant

SEO Project for Solarwall

Website Redesign for Optimised Visibility in French-Speaking and German-Speaking Switzerland

The Challenge

Founded in 2014, Solarwall SA specialises in integrating custom architectural photovoltaic solutions. In 2021, they needed a new website that adequately represented their mission and services to facilitate contact with their target audience. The website had to be visible in three languages to meet growing demand in the Swiss market. It was imperative that it be visible and easy to find for keywords related to their brand, field of activity, and key projects.

Information and lead generation website

The Solution

SEO activities carried out for the website:

  • Keyword research, competitor analysis in search engines
  • Creation of wireframes and keyword targeting (URL mapping)
  • Content writing in French
  • Technical SEO recommendations and follow-up with the technical team
  • SEO migration

SEO activities carried out for Google Business profiles in Zurich and Lausanne:

  • Audit of Google Business profiles
  • Information updates
  • Image insertions

The SEO Specialist’s Perspective

A website relaunch (known as SEO migration) is highly risky in terms of SEO: the website risks losing existing rankings and organic traffic, nullifying all previous efforts. It is essential to analyse the website to retain everything that already works in terms of SEO.

SEO migration refers to any significant change on a website, such as a change in hosting, CMS, rebranding, content reorganisation, or architecture change.


I would like to thank the following partners for their collaboration on this project:

  • Angèle Cottet for UX design and web development
  • Digital Leverage for content and localisation in German
  • LeAF Translation for content and localisation in English

I enjoy working in a team and am happy to integrate into your internal team, collaborate with your current partners, or suggest partners from my network.

Special thanks to Pierre-Olivier Cuche, Director of Solarwall, who trusted me from the start and inspired my enthusiasm for photovoltaics. Every step of the collaboration was a pleasure as well as a success.

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