SEO training and coaching for HES-SO Geneva by Isaline Muelhauser, SEO Consultant

SEO Training for HES-SO Geneva

SEO Training for the Communication Team of the Six HES Schools in the Canton of Geneva

The Challenge

The communication specialists of the HES-SO Geneva schools wanted to understand the levers of natural referencing (on-page SEO), such as the selection and use of relevant keywords, the functioning of search engines, and web writing.

HES-SO Geneva
1 day of SEO training

The Solution

Around 15 communication officers or managers, working on communication for the higher education schools in Geneva, participated in the SEO training. The training was more focused on a writing approach than a technical one, aiming to create effective content. I used examples from the websites of the participating schools.

The SEO Specialist’s Perspective

My goal during an SEO training session is for each participant to understand the priorities for good optimisation and the available tools. Changing writing practices takes time, so it is essential that each writer can make informed editorial choices. As an SEO consultant, my role is to act as a catalyst for internal skills development.


A big thank you to the communication service team for their trust and warm welcome, and to all the participants for their attention. It was a pleasure to meet you.

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